Saturday, October 11, 2008

a crescendo in passing lack of visits here exposes my current lifestyle. At what point can this all be feasible, does everyone's hearts dart in a thousand directions? I'm beginning to see that rest is more of a mindset not a certain time to sleep in till. It's been a trying month for the limits of my bodies facilities but i don't want to come across as complaining or ungrateful. Two nights ago after my class ended early I b-lined it to the ocean. It's a smaller beach but I've grown a strong affection for it. I joke with myself in believing it shares the same sentiment towards me.... but how could it not care for me as it sends a fresh wind from the evenings horizon and soothes me with steady wave to wash away the cares of the day. After our visits i always leave in appreciation for this visions offer of sanity. I think I'll just stop here with the grin this writing has left me with.

1 comment:

Frankie Franco III said...

"does everyone's hearts dart in a thousand directions?"
I really like that line.

And I am positive that the beach enjoys the long walks you share together.